Chum Kiu With One Hand
I was doing it wrong
The tip that changed it all
I love practicing Chum Kiu. I think it’s because I love the idea of using my (admittedly a bit too much) weight as the source of energy.
But, as I practice it myself and not with my Sifu, I always have questions. And, as it’s only been a month of daily practice, I obviously do it wrong.
One day, I got the courage to ask my Sifu about the Lan Sao turning.
I’m glad I did. Because he gave us an amazing tip.
„Practice the Chum Kiu with one hand.“
The moment I applied this tip, I realized that I don’t do everything wrong. I do everything very wrong.
Here’s why: practicing with one hand helps me break a sum of movements into smaller pieces. So what was an automation now becomes a set of conscious movements.
I look at my body and if it follows the Lan Sao correctly. I check if I’ve turned as much as I should. What are my feet doing? Can I test my balance with a kick?
It’s insane how not using one of your hands changes your perspective of the form.
Automations are gone. All I now have are separate, clear movements.
And, of course, whenever I practice with one hand and it’s not the one doing the Lan Sao, my body is mysteriously turned correctly.
Then I add the other hand and it’s disaster all over again.
Add the fact that I happen to be in Switzerland now so I practice it in the woods high up a mountain.
I love it!
So here goes:
Lesson of the day: do you think you do Chum Kiu wrong? Practice with one hand. You’ll realize you’re doing it very wrong. But now you know what to correct.

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