The Beginner’s Mind

Happily stuck in level 1

Back in December, I felt quite disappointed I didn’t get past level 1 after almost 3 years of training.

But now, looking back, I’m happy about this result. For it forces me to have a beginner’s mind, which is a very nice place to be.

In the beginner’s mind there are many possibilities, but in the expert’s there are few.

— Shunryu Suzuki in Zen Mind, Beginner’s Mind


I’ve always been a beginner, but it’s only now that I’m learning to make the most out of it.

You see, being a beginner comes with heaps of curiosity. How does this work? How does that work? Why is this? Why is that? How does the body work? How does the punch work? What’s the mechanism behind a good kick? What? Why? How? What’s it called? Why are my elbows flying?

It also frees me from the curse of „I know this“. I don’t really even know how to stand, let alone how to punch. I learn something about it all every day.

Of course that’s not an excuse for not getting better. I want to get better. But I want to keep this mindset as I advance and stop paying too much attention on useless things like when this will happen.



Lesson of the day:  Have a beginner’s mind, no matter what your level is.

Stay Trained

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