Training in Front of a Mirror

Where was this all along and why didn’t I apply it?

The mirror is a student’s best friend

I happily trained Wing Chun and Eskrima at home or outside by the river. I also went to the training sessions and was practicing there with fellow Wing Chun and Eskrima enthusiasts.

Everything felt good.

Until I practiced some Wing Chun in a restaurant restroom.

Where has this been all my life?

That bathroom had a giant mirror, so I couldn’t help but watch what I was doing.

That’s not the way it looks when Sifu does it!

I didn’t know where to start. My body’s stance was sometimes off, the center line wasn’t always where it should be, my left hand was a bit lower than my right hand when I did the neutral stance or during the first two forms… The movements that looked different were too many, so I decided to concentrate on just one: Huen Sao (circling hand) and the transition to Wu Sao (guarding hand) in the first form (Siu Nim Tao – Little Idea). 

Sifu always talked about that small „explosion“ that the hand makes right after Huen Sao. I thought I did it like him, but the mirror proved me wrong.

They say the mirror never lies. But I do. A lot. I lie to myself about my application of the Siu Nim Tao movements, for one.

I practiced that movement until what I saw in the mirror felt right. I then got out of the restroom and went back to the table, and even while discussing with the others, I secretly practiced the correct movement. Hiding your hands under the table is rude in some cultures, but I knew I just had to. I hope no one noticed.

Lesson of the day: When practicing indoors, always practice with a mirror. It will tell you what feels off and needs to be corrected, right away. 

Thank you for reading.

Happy training,


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Wing Chun







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